ISSUE 9 2023
Club Wyndham Magazine is produced for Club Wyndham South Pacific owners. Copyright Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific. All rights reserved.
Chris Logan
Chris Logan
Dennis Amata
Marta Grutka
Larna Howard

A Vibrant Summer
for Good Sports
We showcase the friendly competitions your family and loved ones can try at your club resorts or nearby, and we'll also take a look at the summer’s big sporting opportunities to see the pros in action.

Colourful Summer Cocktails
We've complied a list of vibrantly colourful cocktails to enjoy on your next summer getaway.

Owner Story
Club Wyndham South Pacific owners
Mercedes and Phil
share their bucket list stories with us.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland
While people across Australia are getting ready to fire up the barbie for the summer holidays, others are dreaming of roasting chestnuts on an open fire instead. If this sounds like you, you’ll love this roundup of our five favourite places to beat the heat and enjoy a white Christmas.

One Step at a Time
Here, we look at where you can get your step count up while seeing some spectacular sights near your club destinations.

Out and About –
Club Owners on Social Media
See what your fellow owners have shared from their adventures during the last few months!

Safety is
E-ven Important
on an E-ride
Find how out to keep safe while riding an e-scooter or e-bike!

Your Resorts
What's happening at your club properties? Find out the latest on apartment numbers and resort refurbishments.
© 2023 Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Issue 9, 2023. Club Wyndham Online Magazine is published by Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific Pty Ltd ACN 090 083 613 for Club Wyndham South Pacific owners. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information, Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific cannot be held responsible for changes that may occur after press date or for incorrect information provided. Reproduction of any part of this publication without written consent is prohibited. All prices in Club Wyndham Online Magazine are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated.
Send your mail, photos and feedback to: clubwyndhamsp@wyn.com or PO Box 7493, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia Club Wyndham South Pacific
Tel: AU 1300 850 160, NZ 0800 850 160, FJ 008 003 263, international +61 7 5512 8021
Email: owner.reservations@wyn.com or owner.services@wyn.com
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Liability: Although Wyndham Vacation Clubs South Pacific Ltd as the responsible entity of Club Wyndham South Pacific makes every effort to ensure that it only arranges the services of professional and safe activity operators for its owners and guests, Wyndham Vacation Clubs South Pacific accepts no liability for any loss, injury or damage that a guest or owner may sustain from whatever cause, including activity operator’s own negligence. Owners and guests participate in any activity/tour at their own risk and release, and discharge and indemnify Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific Pty Ltd and its subsidiaries and all other associated entities and personnel from and against all liability in relation to any loss or injury that they may sustain, whether caused by an activity operator’s negligence or otherwise. Please note that any packages advertised in conjunction with a stay at Club Wyndham South Pacific resorts (Club Wyndham Packages) will be subject to the normal Club Guidelines and Regulations covering issues such as booking requirements, season, size of the apartment chosen, days of the week you holiday and length of stay.
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